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Recognizing the limitations of current data-sharing methods Email addresses are a common identi昀椀er used to connect data sets across the marketing and advertising ecosystem. Unfortunately, two of the most widely used methods for sharing ID for matching, clear text and hashing, are open to signi昀椀cant consumer privacy and data control risks. Here is a comparison of some of the current approaches for exchanging identities to the Karlsgate Identity Exchange™: Clear text email addresses transmi琀琀ed to a trusted data provider Personal Identi昀椀ers DATA TRUSTED DATA OWNER PROVIDER Characteristics Effects On Privacy • Human-readable identi昀椀er used X Full disclosure of Personal Data for matching purposes X Explicit consent required to transfer • Data trading partners gain full Personal Data in some jurisdictions exposure to all identi昀椀ers X A data breach at either party risks • One party lacks all control over the mapping direct exposure to Personal Data rules and security of the data transmitted X Inequitable control over mapping • Trust is needed, since identifying data can be leaked process between sender and receiver Security Matrix Personal data To the data trading partner Are unknown identities exposed? Yes. The entire audience is transmitted. Can identities be re-identi昀椀ed? Yes. Personal Data is openly shared. Copyright © 2020 Karlsgate Inc. All rights reserved. 4

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