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Cryptoidentity: A new mechanism for a new era Karlsgate developed Cryptoidentity to address the current weaknesses in data sharing. This patent- pending technology signi昀椀cantly increases the privacy protection of identifying information over current methodologies of sharing data. Using Cryptoidentity, identities in one data set can be linked or “mapped” to the matching identities within another data set without exposing Personal Data. Cryptoidentity operates on any two data sets that contain a common unique identi昀椀er, including email address, IP address, mobile advertising ID or government-issued identi昀椀ers. Cryptoidentity uses advanced cryptography and information security best practices to enable privacy-compliant data sharing, including: Single-Use Pseudonymization Re-hashing all identifying data mixed with random noise for each activity to ensure pseudonyms cannot be leveraged for re-identi昀椀cation. Differential Privacy Adding noise to data elements to obscure individual details while maintaining aggregated metrics. Blind Facilitation Enlisting a neutral party to determine matches without any computational insight into the de-identi昀椀cation process. This gatekeeper approach blocks the 昀氀ow of any unmatched data. Anonymization Completely remove all identifying attributes before working with personal data whenever insights can be gained at an aggregate level. The entirety of this protocol protects against both obvious disclosure and subtle attempts to re-identify the underlying identities. None of the three transaction participants can acquire a new identity that they didn’t already have direct reference to. In addition, all participants are blind to all identifying information when sharing data. Copyright © 2020 Karlsgate Inc. All rights reserved. 6

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