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The future of sharing consumer data: Zero-trust Cryptoidentity is the secure data matching foundation of the Karlsgate Identity Exchange. Karlsgate Identity Exchange enables data owners to trade their data assets without exposing personal data in a zero-trust environment. Email addresses mapped using Karlsgate Iden琀椀ty Exchange Cryptoidentity™ HASHED T HASHED Facilitator OKENS OKENS T DATA Mapped Identities DATA OWNER PARTNER Characteristics Effects On Privacy • Non-reusable hashed identi昀椀ers √ Underlying identi昀椀ers are obfuscated used for matching √ Re-identi昀椀cation is inhibited by blinding • Data trading partners can only the involved parties to the requisite see their own identi昀椀ers components of the hash algorithm • Mapping rules are obvious to all parties √ Hashed tokens cannot serve as • Hashed tokens have no identifying pseudonymous identi昀椀ers since others value to the facilitator cannot recompute the token • No trust is required to ensure protection √ Equitable control over mapping process with enhanced transparency Security Matrix Personal data To the data trading partner To the Karlsgate facilitator To the data trading partner? Are unknown No. The facilitator only forwards No. Since each participant identities exposed? signals to the trading partner contributes a random upon a successful match. This component to the salt value, prevents disclosure of any new retention of hash value has identities to the trading partner. no re- identifying capacity. Can identities be No. The facilitator only forwards No. Since each participant re-identi昀椀ed? signals to the trading partner contributes a random upon a successful match. This component to the salt value, prevents disclosure of any new retention of hash value has identities to the trading partner. no re -identifying capacity. Copyright © 2020 Karlsgate Inc. All rights reserved. 7

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